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A Personal Reinvention & Transformational Professional Short Course
2.0: E 1 (Endorse)
2.0: E 2 (External)
2.1 – E1: (ENDORSE)
2.1 – E2: (EXTERNAL)
For more on the categories, send mail to [email protected]
As one of the world’s largest producers of crude oil and with an abundance of gas and mineral resources, Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy with GDP of $3.76 BN. The International Monetary Fund predicts that Nigeria could become the ninth largest economy in the world by 2050 if it mobilizes its 200 million populations into a nation of entrepreneurs and consumers. But Nigeria’s population advantage is also its downfall as it struggles to overcome rising unemployment, unstable power supply, poor education and poverty.
I am a Lagos TAPian NYSC beneficiary under the Category 2.2. At the end of the programme I became a member of two globally reputable institutions in the United Kingdom, The Institute of Leadership and Management (TILM) and a full member - Association of Business Executives (MABE) and joining a global community of members, This is a special and unique arrangement for UNESCO REF TAP beneficiaries, as usually membership is reserved for candidates studying towards some regulated qualification.
NYSC beneficiary from Lagos state currently in the final phase of my MBA program in Zurich Elite Business School in Switzerland. one of the top 25 business schools in Europe. The TAP credentials helped me to get a scholarship that covered 95% of the tuition fees, instead of paying $52,500 I paid $2,500, and was given the opportunity to pay over five installments— no black Friday deal can ever be as crazy as this. The bespoke programme has given me certifications from leading companies such as Google, BCG, PWC, Goldman Sachs, IBM and Facebook, as well as top business schools like INSEAD, Yale, Imperial, Columbia, Duke, and the University of Virginia Darden School of Business.
I am a computer science graduate and a self-sponsored UNESCO REF TAP beneficiary under the category 2.1 - E1 from the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. TAP has built my capacity, transformed and impacted me in various sectors of life, as side been a computer graduate, I now understand how to activate the commercial aspect of my profession and also to run and manage a profitable sustainable business.
I am a beneficiary of the TAP Project under the category 2.7 of the programme in the United Kingdom, making me a Diaspora TAPian (DP). The UNESCO REF TAP transportable and external validation credentials have complimented my curriculum vitae and gave a lead for more decent jobs.
To contribute towards the quick attainment of the United Nations global goals by strategic mobilization, sensitization and awareness campaign for technical engagement across all sectors.
To work in cooperation with relevant Government entities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and private sector stakeholders who share our priorities to maximize the efficacy of state and non-state efforts toward the actualization of the United Nations global goals, particularly, within the educational, economic growth and partnership sectors.
To inspire Inter-generational connectivity and cooperation for a sustainable, peaceful and developed society.